Contact Information
Nursery hours: Friday & Saturday
10 am - 4 pm
or most days by appointment
Phone Darcy: 541-260-2182 If no answer - we ar outside, leave message or text us
E-mail - info@stillwaternativesnursery.com
Seeds are from species that we know will thrive here and excel at feeding pollinators.
$7 at the nursery
or $9.50 if we mail it to you
Contact above number w/ credit card info
or send check to:
Stillwater Natives Nursery
PO Box 1714
Bandon, OR 97411

Plant nursery is 3.5 miles south of Bandon
53701 Beach Loop Rd, Bandon, Oregon 97411
CALL FIRST for Appointment, except on
open Friday & Saturday as advertised from 10 am - 4 pm
Our Vision
The purpose of this nursery is to provide resources to restore diverse flowering plants to their rightful communities; be that urban, suburban or rural landscapes. Pollinator gardens, hedgerows, meadows, and corridors are essential to the survival of many species and we need to build the care of such places into our culture. Making native plants available and easily accessible is a big step toward people using them.
Humans have modified this southern Oregon coastal ecoregion beyond the scope of what some species can survive. Many insect and bird species could be the "Canaries in the Coal Mine" as we reach the tipping point at which some species begin to disappear.
Progress will only be made with the recognition of the dignity of all species and respect that their place in this world is sacred, as is yours. We will take responsibility for the well-being of our environment and honor the ecological systems that allow things to remain balanced.
Thank you for being part of the solution when you choose native plants for your patch of earth.
Biodynamic propagation of plants, plugs and
seeds. Ready for your gardens, pollinators,
restorations, hedgerows, or rain gardens.