The electricity bill that should be paid must be contacted to confirm that the electricity will be restored. This delay will lead to future troubles. It's just that procrastination and laziness are not two separate concepts. Sometimes being lazy can turn into procrastination. Here's a simple question to help you tell if you're not procrastinating: when you're not doing that, you're To think/worry? If your answer is yes, it means that your mind cannot be completely separated, and you know what you should do but never start, which is the scope of procrastination.
There is a very simple feature that can tell you whether you are procrastinating: Do you suddenly become motivated to do things that don't need to be done right away, or focus on unrealistic things? If that's what you're up to, then maybe you're actually running away from doing something! Just, why does that thing make you want to run away? In most sms services cases, you are "uncomfortable" while doing that. It may be that it takes a lot of effort, it may be that you need to think about the consequences, or it may be that you feel your own inadequacy...
These are all possible. Simply put, procrastination is the inability to manage the negative emotions that come with the task. People who procrastinate know they're running away, but don't do it because they know it's going to be pain (no matter what kind of pain) to do. Procrastination is a strategy for coping with pain. When emotions are dominant, people will seek pleasure and avoid pain, and cannot be future-oriented. Because when you do that, you will feel the corresponding pain, so let's delay it! There is also immediate, short-lived pleasure.