There are times when your Cash App transaction is made to the wrong person. Such situations may make you worry about your money. If your transaction was successful and the recipient has accepted your payment then Cash App can not refund back your money. You can get your money back only if the wrong recipient agrees to refund it back to you else you will have to suffer the loss. However, if the payment was not successful then you will have the option to cancel the payment and get your money refunded to your account.
When the transaction is made to the wrong person then people keep wondering “how to get a refund on Cash App”. Here you will get to know some simple steps that can help you get a refund on Cash App.
How To Get A Refund On Cash App
get a refund on cash app if sent to wrong person,
Therefore, if you want to make cash App refund request for any purchase that you made through Cash App or want to refund a wrong payment or any unfortunate situation that you need to get your money from Cash App then you need to follow these steps:
Open Cash App
Launch the Cash App refund on your device.
Click on the “Activity” tab shown by a clock icon located at the bottom right of the screen.
select payment
Now select the payment you want a refund from.
three dots
Now tap on the three dots located at the top right corner of the home screen.
next page
Click on the “Refund” tab on the next page.
Tap on “OK” to confirm and initiate the refund process.
Cash App Refund Policy
After successfully initiating the refund process, Cash App refund time may take up to 10 business days to process. If the merchant refunds back your money then Cash App immediately refunds the amount to your account. However, if Cash App refund failed to process even after 10 business days then contact the Cash App customer support immediately to resolve your issue as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you should always be careful while filling up the recipient’s details while making any transaction on the Cash App. Because once the transaction is successful, you will not be able to claim any refund from Cash App. You will have only one option to request the recipient to refund your money back. Cash App will not be able to help you in this case.
Open Cash App
Select the activity tab on Cash App’s home screen
Find and select the payment they want to refund
Select the three dots in the top right hand corner
Select refund
Select “ok” to confirm refund